KYSTATS Media Help Sheet

Office Name: Kentucky Center for Statistics

Office Acronym: KYSTATS

What is KYSTATS?

KYSTATS is a state office that collects and integrates Kentucky’s education and workforce data so that policymakers, practitioners, and the public can make the best decisions possible.

KYSTATS Governance

KYSTATS is an independent state office housed within the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet that is governed by a board.

  • Education and Labor Cabinet (ELC) - ​​​​​​​​​​Secretary Jamie Link (Chair)
  • Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) - President Aaron Thompson (Board Member)
  • Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) - Commissioner Robbie Fletcher (Board Member)
  • Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) - Executive Director / Chief Executive Officer Diana Barber (Board Member)
  • Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) - Secretary Eric Friedlander (Board Member)

Media Quick Data Resources Located at

KYSTATS Style Guide

When KYSTATS is used as a noun, drop “the”

  • Example: The report was created by KYSTATS

When KYSTATS is an adjective or is otherwise a modifier, “the” is to be used:

  • Example: The KYSTATS website

If possible, do not use a possessive form of KYSTATS – i.e. KYSTATS’ website

When using the word “data” it should be considered plural if you’re discussing data from KYSTATS reports. The word “data” is singular when referring to information. In general, when discussing KYSTATS, you’re discussing datasets, so use the plural.

Here is a tip to check your use of data. If you wish to use data as a singular mass noun, you should be able to replace it in the sentence with the word information, which is also a mass noun.

  • Example: Much of this information is useless because of its lack of specifics.

If, however, you want to or need to use data as plural count noun, you should be able to replace it with the word facts, which is also a plural count noun.

  • Example: Many of these facts are useless because of their lack of specifics.


The Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) collects and links data to evaluate education and workforce efforts in the Commonwealth. This includes developing reports, responding to research requests, and providing statistical data about these efforts so policymakers, practitioners, and the general public can make better informed decisions.

About state longitudinal data systems:


Twitter: @KYSTATS

Hashtag: #RealData4RealDecisions

KYSTATS Media Contact: - - 502.564.4194

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